Emperor nuru spa
#C32281 Mixed
24 Hours
Address :
Tsim Sha Tsui, KLN  (Reservation)
English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Tel :
( For making an appointment, please mention that “it is referred from 141!” for a better service )
Tel 2 :
Time :
24 Hours
Service :
$800 Acupoint massage + aromatherapy lymphatic massage + Nuru + ancient dragon root grasping method + three-way method to treat impotence and premature ejaculation (60minutes)
$1300 HK$ 1300 Acupoint massage + aromatherapy prostate massage + spleen muscle massage + health care+sex (60minutes)
$1600 Aromatherapy oil massage + prostate massage + spleen muscle massage + Nuru + water massage + health care +sex (80minutes)
$2000 Japanese-style water bed + Japanese-style Lulu + whole body roaming + kiss jade back + wave clip JJ + thigh clip JJ + orgasm control + (special service) + emperor-style shower (100minutes)
$2999 Supreme King Full services (160minutes)
(non sexsual service)
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